Search Engine Optimization

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  • SEO Service Provider, Vikas Puri Delhi
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    Your business may be great offline or on social media but showing up in organic search rankings is obtained by implementing a number of SEO techniques that include making changes on the website structure, technical aspects i.e OnPage SEO and linking to relevant websites(in accordance with the guidelines of search engines) which is commonly known as OffPage SEO. Once, these are done well, your websites will perform better in SERP i.e. better RANKINGS.

    What is SEO?

    Search Engines like google, bing and many others use certain formulas and algorithms to help them understand what the website is all about. The better they understand the content and authority of the website, the higher are the chances of the website showing in higher organic search results. SEO is just making sure that your website communicates with the search engines in the language they understand. It also involves adhering to policies and best practices recommended by search engines.

    Why SEO is Important

    - It boosts organic discovery and high-quality website traffic.
    - It Provides a Higher ROI
    - It Increases Credibility and Trust
    - It allows round the clock Promotion
    - It allows you to reach your target audience.
    - It Improves User Experience
    - It Increases PPC Success
    - It is an ongoing marketing strategy.
    - It is increases search visibility.
    Seo Tips and Techniques by Futureroots


    Types of SEO services offered by Futureroots

    Unlike it's starting days, SEO has evolved. With the world going digital everything can be managed if your business is managed by a good marketing company. We at Futureroots understand that Search engine optimization is making sure that you do the right things from Day 1. This is where we are different. We not only undertake SEO projects and start working on them. We offer what your business needs instead of what you want. We are in Vikas Puri, New Delhi and most of our clients who are just starting with SEO for their business know only one specific word "KEYWORDS". Yes, that is important, but it is more important to know which keywords will suit your business and what SEO strategy you should opt for. Should you be going in with a Keyword based approach to get good SERP or you should implement a Local SEO strategy wherein getting more visitors to your store location is the better option. If you are a store looking to drive footfalls or a business looking to generate leads, we can help you. We have 2 different ways of executing SEO based on business need and stage of business:

    Local SEO

    With mobile first approach, this is a perfect fit for a small business owner or a store front who's currently interested in growing your customer base from within the city. Do you want to be shown in Google maps? Then Local SEO is the answer. It is one of the best ways to call customers to your store. Keep in mind their decision about the purchase is already made and they are looking for a store who offer what they want. With a good strategy your business can be placed in a comfortable position where in the interested parties may call you, visit your website, send you a message or more importantly seek direction to pay a visit. Local SEO is ideal for storefront type businesses who are looking to attract customers within the vicinity or city. Typical example being – Restaurants, shops etc. Google Places and Local Schema play an important role in Local SEO.

    SEO Services in Vikas Puri, Delhi

    Did You find us on Google Maps? How did it happen? Well this is the magic of Local SEO. It is effective and essential for businesses targeting customers in a specific local geographical area such as Vikas Puri, Janak Puri and nearby areas. It helps them establish a brand identity and authority in their area of expertise within the targeted geo-location range. As a Local SEO company in Vikas Puri, we understand what your brand needs the most when targeting in a local area. We not only consider the needs of a potential customer but also scrutinize strategies employed by your competitors, in order to provide you a more viable strategy for your local SEO campaign with our most customized local SEO packages in India.

    Keyword based SEO

    Now, there are businesses who want to reach out to everyone everywhere who’s interested in the product and services offered by similar businesses. Running ads can prove to be expensive over a long period of time. Keyword based approach is a good fit for businesses who have customers everywhere. It becomes imperative that they rank in organic listings and that will help them get high quality leads. It might take a bit of time to get the initial rankings but the results are compounding. As per Google’s estimate top 3 positions in search results accounts for about over 50% of clicks. Just imagine if your website is listed in that segment. Your business will grow at an incredible pace and it will also help spread brand awareness. All you need is to find out the right team to help you do it. Gone are the days when you simply stuff the keywords in your content and it would rank. Now, you are being judged on 200 ranking factors and then it is decided whether you are worthy of the top slot or not. A good example here would be of one of our clients – they sell medical equipment and were ranking on the second page or there after for their products generic name. We made some content related adjustments and improved the page structure. By the next crawl, the listings showed good results. Ideal for websites with less than 50 pages. The focus in on targeting limited set of keywords. The keywords are location agnostic and are typically national or global in nature. Example – IT & ITES firms.
    A good example here would be of one of our clients – they sell medical equipment and were ranking on the second page or there after for their products generic name. We made some content related adjustments and improved the page structure. By the next crawl, the listings showed good results. Ideal for websites with less than 50 pages. The focus in on targeting limited set of keywords. The keywords are location agnostic and are typically national or global in nature. Example – IT & ITES firms.

    Why Futureroots SEO Services?

    There are freelancers, boutique agencies like ours and then there are big powerhouses that offer SEO services. How do you select one that suits your business goals? Apart from the monetary aspect, there are 3 possibilities that factors in during the selection of a seo agency.
    1. Personal Bias (references, location, personal preference etc)
    2. Credentials (experience, certifications, knowledge)
    3. Performance (rankings, leads, conversions)

    You being on this page makes it clear that you are not here because of personal bias. You are here because of magic or you found us on the internet. Before you move forward, let us understand first the important aspects that you may want to consider before selecting us or for that matter, any other SEO agency:

    KNOWLEDGE: At Futureroots Digital Solutions, we help businesses obtain superior organic rankings by using all the techniques suggested by industry leaders. This helps us in placing our clients in just a one-way road of improvement and scoring top positions in search results.
    Here’s a link to our blog that good details about seo tips & techniques. It covers the major aspects of SEO.
    LOCATION: We are from Vikas Puri, New Delhi, India and believe it or not. The NCR region is famous for seo service providers and to stay in the game, we stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies.
    PERFORMANCE: We have been able to help our client’s rank #1 in SERP on generic keywords. Long tail keywords are easy but what we achieved takes dedication, hard work and knowledge. Our team is great at what it does.
    PRICING: Being a boutique seo company in Delhi with lesser overheads look at us helps us in creating a comfortable price plan for our clients. Unlike big brands our SEO plans starts at low cost comparing to companies offering the same level of quality services. That being said, “WE DELIVER GOOD RESULTS”.

    Still not convinced, let’s make it a one last effort to convince you to select us as your SEO agency. We are a team of individuals who have a combined experience of more than 10 years which is a lot. Our founder Rohit is also a Google Garage Certified Individual.

    Our SEO Approach

    1. Understanding Business Goals
    First things first, we need to understand your business goals. This is one of the most important tasks that we carry out for you. By understanding what you want we will create a roadmap to achieve those goals and objectives. Clarity about what you want will help us in creating a suitable action plan for you.
    2. Initial website analysis
    We will conduct an initial site study on your website that will help us understand the technical & content related shortcomings. We will fix the issues so that your website is SEO ready.
    3. Keyword & Market Research
    What you want and what you need can be 2 different things. We will conduct a keyword and market research pertaining to your website offerings. It will allow us to select the best set of short and long tail keywords which align with your business goals. This will not only improve the CTR, it will help increase conversions as well.
    4. Competitor Analysis
    Whether inhouse or outsourced, every business that’s ranking online is using SEO services to attract new customers. Our team will conduct a competitor analysis for understanding the strategies they have implemented. This combined with our own strategies will enable us to rank quickly and effectively.
    5. Content Creation
    By this time you must have realized, these guys write from the heart i.e, we write for humans first but that doesn’t mean that we don’t create content that is required for ranking. Our realistic content approach is working wonders. Even our small website is ranking at good places owing to the content created by our team. Right content for pages, blogs, articles and guest posts, we take care of all.
    6. OnPage Optimization
    Once, we have the business goals, analysis, research and content in place. We start fixing this jigsaw puzzle by fixing the issues on the website such as speed, unwanted codes, adding content(both text & visual), creating SEO friendly URLs with proper formats etc. We also work on adding the right title, description, optimized-images, internal link building and using CTA options.
    7. OffPage Work
    Be it the real world or the digital Networking is important. Our off page networking of helping you with PR of your website. This is commonly known as submission work or link building. We have evolved and we don’t overstuff your website at low quality sites. Our focus is on creating links which are relevant and commands authority.
    8. Reporting and maintenance
    The last step of our process is reporting and maintenance. A detailed report of all the activities we have done for you will be followed by next month’s projections. Along with that, the regular work keeps on happening at the backend.


    1Do you guarantee Results?
    The digital sphere changes fast and every now and then there is a new challenge pertaining to algorithm updates, technical issues, content issues and much more. We cannot guarantee results. Having said that, we are confident in our SEO plan implementation and can provide an outline of expected results.
    2How much time will it take for results to show?
    Instant results happen in SEM domain. There is a lot that goes into SEO and we expect results by the end of the 2nd month but the actual results will show in the 3-6 month range. We offer realistic timelines after analysing the difficulty level of our client’s business SEO goals.
    3Will I have to sign a contract with Futureroots Digital Solutions?
    NO. We offer a no obligation service. If unsatisfied, you can pull out anytime you want. We are confident that once we start working on your project, you wont need to pull out. Instead, you will be looking forward to go on to a bigger package that will skyrocket your sales.
    4What are the benefits we can expect from Futureroots SEO Services?
    Improved web presence, better search rankings and more importantly – MORE CONVERSIONS.
    5How do we measure our success?
    The project’s success can be measured by comparing expected results with specified timelines which were shared at the start of the project.

    If you have reached here. Let's talk about your plan.

    • We know you would like to know more about us, our work style, experience, costing etc. Let's connect and discuss.

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