Hold your Website Ranks Permanently.

Super Tips to rank your website
Let’s move from the standard blabbing and dig into the right SEO techniques. These techniques work so well that even when you’ve implemented 75% of the below mentioned tips correctly, you will start to see your website perform well for your desired keywords.
SEO is a step by step process and honestly, there are no shortcuts to it. We are listing down the exact plan of actions to follow, in this order. Implementing and executing these tasks will definitely boost up your website's domain authority as well as increase your rankings. Click on the topic listed below or scroll down to read the full article.

Let's start with the Basics
Setting up these basics allows you to track and understand your website's performance as well as it help you to know more about the kind of content you should be creating and the error on your website that needs your attention. These may look like a small task but in reality they go a long way in helping you understand about visitor engagement.
Set up Google Search Console(GSC): A free yet super important service offered by Google. It allows you to analyze your website’s data. It helps you understand the status of your web pages. Indexing, issues, performance, top searches and much more. It won’t be wrong to say that Google Search Console acts as a guardian angel to tell you about all the its and bits that need fixing along with all data that you need.
Set Up Bing Webmaster Tool: Just like GSC, Microsoft has its own version that helps you understand and track the details on Bing Index. Rest of the things are mainly the same.
Set Up Google Analytics: Another blockbuster feature from Google. Analytics helps you track online traffic real time and understand your audience, demographics, user behaviour etc. You can look into the best performing pages along with the source of traffic. Along with that it also enables you to set up goals for conversion.
Install SEO Plugins: SEO plugins are a great way to setup the meta data of your websites. It makes is super easy for digital marketers to create great titles without a chance of code tampering and provide insights for better optimizations.
Create and Submit Sitemaps: A sitemap is a list of your webpages in hierarchy. It helps search engines to crawl and index your websites. Search engines understand the importance of each page through your website’s architectural hierarchy shown in the sitemaps.
Create and Upload ROBOTS.TXT: It’s a file that tell the search engines to exclude crawling certain pages. A good example is to remove the login pages that you would like to hide from the public domain.

Fixing the Technical Issues
Plan Website Structure: UI/UX plays an important part in user retention. Your website should be designed in a hierarchal order. It should offer the information to users in proper order, with visual appeal, call to action options and links to relevant content(internal linking) on your website. You should also plan the structure keeping in mind the keywords that you wish to target. Content falling astray won’t help but a well knitted website is a sure way to increase website rankings.
Crawable & Indexable: You have a website – Good. You know what’s better? Search engines should be able to crawl and index your pages i.e. they should know that you exist and your website has content that they should index. Imagine you are in a store and some of the products haven’t been shown to you. The only buyers will be ones who know that the store has a particular product in inventory but isn’t displayed. What should be done - the store should display the product and in our case, we should have the digital store(search engines) know that we are in the inventory and they should show us as well.
Single Domain Access :Remember search engine always view webpages based on their identity. A single web page can be counted into 4 or more pages in case you haven’t set the priority page. Example:
All these pages land to one single page but unless specified via .htaccess file or setting in from your theme controls. These will be counted as 4 different web pages. They all will rank differently and distribute the visitors in turn, reducing the rankings.
Website Speed: Remember the dialogue from the movie KungFu Hustle, “In the world of KungFu, speed determines the winner”. Here in the world of internet, a fast website with a good page speed score is sure to offer good user experience. With that, the chances of users bouncing out of the website will be less and your average duration will increase. Even at places with low internet bandwidth.
Mobile Friendliness: We don’t see those numeric keypads on the phones anymore. They have been replaced with big screen smart phones which gives you anything you need from the internet via search results, apps or inbuilt features. Gone are the days when we used to pinch the screen to increase the size of the text. Now, it is plain and simple. You need to cater to the need of the user and make your website mobile friendly. Your website should load data that doesn’t require the user to adjust the screen size.
Compressed Images: Nobody likes to wait. Not us and nor you. So, why should we have to wait for images to load. In case, you have heavy images uploaded on your website. You are making it certain for visitors to miss out of visual signals when they are using internet with low bandwidth. Along with that, you are also slowing down your website. Use a good compression plugin, use next gen image formats such as webp and try to create lightweight images for faster loading.
Fix Broken Links: Imagine visiting a website promising you the answers in the search engine listings only to find out that the information you are looking for is not available. Why? The link is not working(broken link) or the link inside the web page you visited is not redirecting to your desired content page. How would you feel? It not only destroys the user experience. It also send signals to search engines that the website is not maintained properly. Which will directly result in loss of rankings and search visibility.
Use SSL certificate: SSL stands for secure socket layer and you must have seen Google preventing access & prompting you about the potentially hazardous nature of the website that’s not using the SSL certificate. Cyber crimes are increasing day by day and we all have a responsibility to provide a safer environment for our visitors. The least we can do is to install a free SSL available. SSL encrypts data for end users and a website is easily identifiable by a distinguished green lock sign as well as https:// before the domain url.
Original Content: You cannot beat something that’s original and refreshing. While most of the content speaks about one and the same thing. What matters is the relativity of the content without blatantly copying it from other sources. They don’t end up well. A good example of the same would be the content posts from other marketing agencies offering the same information as these are the right points to work on. What sets us different will be the make of break point. Our storytelling and clear, concise choice of words will be the eventual difference.

Keyword Research
Find a Primary Keyword: A primary keyword is your main target. It should have the best audience for you, no matter if you select a generic keyword or a keyword that’s long tail. Keyword relevance will matter. For that, keyword research from any keyword planner tool will help you determine a good one. Not only that, our brain is capable of miracles and finding great keywords is a simple task compared to what we do. Just be the customer of your service and note down the keywords. Compare and add them in your content with the ones that offer best quality traffic.
Assess Search Intent: With the advance of AI. Search engines are trying to offer the best possible results for your query pertaining to your browsing history and the keywords you typed. For this, you need to understand the core ideology of your page whether it is informational, navigational, commercial or transactional. For eg: we in this blog are trying to help offer information with regards to top tips for SEO and if we target this particular page with the keyword BEST SEO COURSE. It will not rank… It just cannot happen. So, understand what you are offering and select the right keywords.
Analyze Keyword Difficulty: Some keywords are difficult to rank, while others rank without any hassle. We were able to rank our keyword buy ae domain India on the first page within the first week of us publishing the content. It was an easy task. When we talk about ranking for SEO tips, we would need to understand the complexity and competition. For that, we will need solid content work, link building and mentions. Failure to do so will result is our page never seeing the light of first page rankings.
Know What People Want: One last step would be to know the best keywords. How do you know about them, check any search result and understand what all types of questions users may be asking w.r.t. these keywords. Grow your keyword list by understanding user behaviour. Use a keyword planner tool in case you want to? We personally use the keyword planner from Google Ads use the ones that best describes your services.

Content is King
Check out the points below that'll guide you step by step in creating content that is appealing and engaging.
Find a Primary Keyword: A primary keyword is your main target. It should have the best audience for you, no matter if you select a generic keyword or a keyword that’s long tail. Keyword relevance will matter. For that, keyword research from any keyword planner tool will help you determine a good one. Not only that, our brain is capable of miracles and finding great keywords is a simple task compared to what we do. Just be the customer of your service and note down the keywords. Compare and add them in your content with the ones that offer best quality traffic.
Assess Search Intent: With the advance of AI. Search engines are trying to offer the best possible results for your query pertaining to your browsing history and the keywords you typed. For this, you need to understand the core ideology of your page whether it is informational, navigational, commercial or transactional. For eg: we in this blog are trying to help offer information with regards to top tips for SEO and if we target this particular page with the keyword BEST SEO COURSE. It will not rank… It just cannot happen. So, understand what you are offering and select the right keywords.
Analyze Keyword Difficulty: Some keywords are difficult to rank, while others rank without any hassle. We were able to rank our keyword buy ae domain India on the first page within the first week of us publishing the content. It was an easy task. When we talk about ranking for SEO tips, we would need to understand the complexity and competition. For that, we will need solid content work, link building and mentions. Failure to do so will result is our page never seeing the light of first page rankings.
Know What People Want: One last step would be to know the best keywords. How do you know about them, check any search result and understand what all types of questions users may be asking w.r.t. these keywords. Grow your keyword list by understanding user behaviour. Use a keyword planner tool in case you want to? We personally use the keyword planner from Google Ads use the ones that best describes your services.

On Page SEO
Next in line is On Page SEO. Now you need to tell the search engines and showcase a good first impression for potential visitors. For that, create shorter URLs with an attractive title and informative description. Optimize the images, link to quality resources for better results.
Use Short URLs: Short URLs share proximity to the root domain and thus contain higher value. Along with that, if you use clear url that describes the topic and in case you are able to fit in the primary keyword. It will work wonders for you.
Compelling Title Tags: Imagine the power of someone luring into an agreement. That’s the power of compelling title tags. A good description that serves your search requirement will demand that precious click from search engines. Our title tag for this page says “Full checklist of SEO Tips & Techniques that work in 2021”. When this shows up in the search engines, users will want to click and check what’s inside. Here, we are encouraging visitors to click our link as they are looking to find the latest information and believe us, this information will never leave your side. These are the cores of SEO. Try to keep them within 70 characters.
Informative Description: Along with a good title, the second for you as a SEO person is to write a good informative description. Just make sure that your description is direct to the point and offer everything that visitors are searching. Meta Description is a limited real estate that you get in search engines. Keep it within 160 characters and you’ll be fine.
Link To Relevant Resources: If you link your page with high quality content and reference websites. It add value to your content and help the user understand the your topic in case of doubts.
Optimized Images: We mentioned this earlier, search engines are a precious real estate and to be shown these matters a lot. There are two things that we need to understand. Everyone has a name and then everyone needs to be primed up for performance. An image or a video with a generic name such as file.mp4 or dsc0043.jpg won’t do any justice for that image as well as your content. Having said that, an image with name seo-tips.jpg and alt txt as seo tips to improve website rankings will do you a world of good.
Compressed Images: Always try to upload images in next gen formats. These images not only are better, they take up lesser space. Try Webp and avoid heavier files like .PNG.
Add Schema Markups: You must have seen some SERP results with reviews and additional information. This not only delivers an authoritative statement. This sends a signal to the user that you are prepared to help them as you already have received recommendations for your work earlier.

Link Building
Yes, you can replicate your competitors existing links what you must also do is to create a series of backlinks to your website using a wide range of techniques such as spreading the word, by offering better content so that users would want to link to you, writing guest posts at other websites etc.
Replicate Competitors Links: Everyone speaks about the importance of backlinks. When you start looking for backlinks. A good starting point is to check the links of your competitors. Understand where their links and find out if they are useful in your case. If yes, replicate them to add links to your profile. That said, you must also look to create newer links.
Reclaim Lost Links: Sometimes links are lost because of no apparent reason and even if there’s a reason, pursue the link website admin to re-instate your link. This thing works and not only your will get most of the links back. Your rankings will also improve.
Claim The Mentions: How many times our followers have mentioned futureroots instead of sharing the web link. Not only we lose an opportunity of free link. We are potentially losing traffic because of it. Find out these mentions from any online resource and look forward to changing it into a link of your website.
Write Guest Posts: Guest posts are a great way to get your link on another website. How much does it cost? Well, if you can write the content by yourself, the only cost you will incur is time but it is well spent. How? Getting a link back to your website from another site of authority will increase the chance of you getting better DA.
Offer Superior Content: Just imagine if we would have written this post with information without elaborating the points. How good would that have served us? Chances are you would have never seen this page. This post has more than 3000 words and we have focused on providing relevant information with easy-to-understand examples. Our With our elaborative content, correct information and user-friendly words puts us in a position to rank better than others.
Spread The Word: Futureroots relied on reference in early stages but now we are aggressively putting our name in front at every opportune moment. While our DA was nothing in July. It has shot up by 10 points within 1 month by pure mentions. No social bookmarking and small level task have been implemented. It is our own responsibility to put in our name in front of every post, forum, blog visitor who’s looking for similar information.
One of the major issue SEO practitioners are facing is lack of understanding. While everyone knows the left - right - centers. There are a handful of professional who know SEO in absoluteness. We also don't count ourselves as the masters of SEO. Having said that, some of our projects have landed top positions on generic keywords which serves as an evidence that we did it right. All we did was, "WE FOLLOWED THE TIPS WE SHARED ABOVE" and got Good Results.
Check out our portfolio link that shows the power of above shared steps: https://futureroots.in/portfolio-item/koikaa/
You may also want to check our work process and what we believe about SEO.