.AE Domains

Register .AE domains from India

How do I buy .AE domain from India?

To register your desired domain from India, you've come to the right place for ! We are a reseller of 101domain, an AEDA, accredited domain registration services provider. Interested in knowing more about us, just shoot an email to us at info(at)futurenic.com/domains(at)futureroots.in or contact us directly at +91 - 9811933994 and we will be happy to help bring down your domain portfolio costs.

One of the best reason on why to register with us is the cost -- We offering registrations at 3100 INR/yr with no markups when renewing. If you are from the UAE,. a local vendor in the UAE will be the cheapest for you. and in case, you are from other countries such as India, UK, US or any other country for that matter. It is best to see a registrar that offer registration and renewals at same costs. Often is the case that registrants are lured at lower costs but at renewal time, the cost is inflated by at least 10-15%. This has been a standard practice of most registrars but then, we at Futureroots | FutureNic offer cost effective ccTLD portfolio management with no increase in renewal charges.

.AE domains are the official ccTLD of United Arab Emirates. It falls under the rules and regulations set by AEDA.AE, the governing and operating registry for this ccTLD. It is generally registered by local Individuals and Companies. Apart from that global brand names looking to safeguard their online branding or the ones looking to establish their digital presence in the UAE also register these domains. Registering from India is a bit tricky as there are just a few AEDA acrredited domain registrars outside of the Emirates. Fortunately, we are a reseller of 101domain, one of the best ccTLD domain registrar in the world and we help individuals | bloggers | influencers | brands | companies secure their desired domain names for over 200 ccTLD extensions.

.AE Registration Requirements:

1. Duration: The .AE domains can be registered upto a 5 year term in one go. Unlike most ccTLD extensions, the registry has capped the maximum registration duration to 5 years.
2. Restriction: Currently, There are no requirements to register this domain extension.
3. Character Length: You can only choose between 2 and 63 characters(0-9, A-Z and dash).

Other .AE 3LD with Requirements

All .AE 3LD have requirements. Check Below:
1) .CO.AE
-- 3LDs ending with the Suffix “co.ae” are Domain Names for commercial entities trading in the UAE. Registrants must either:

- have a valid trade licence within the UAE;
- commercial entities licensed in the free zones within the UAE; or
- be an applicant for, or a registered holder of a trade mark in the UAE.

- The Domain Names applied for in this class of 3LDs must be:
- an exact match to, or
- an acronym of, or
- an abbreviation of, or
- closely connected to,
one of the following:
a. the name of a company in which the Registrant has a 50% or greater shareholding or which the Registrant controls;
b. the trading name or trade mark of a company in which the Registrant has a 50% or greater shareholding or which the Registrant controls; or
c. the name of an organisation or association controlled by the Registrant.
2) .NET.AE
3LDs with the Suffix “net.ae” are the Domain Names for Information Technology (IT) Service Providers registered within the UAE. Such Applicants must meet the following requirements:

- have a valid trade licence within the UAE including those licensed in free zones within the UAE specifically for providing IT services; or
- be the applicant for, or registered holder of a trade mark in the UAE for an ITservice or product.
- The Domain Name applied for within this class of 3LDs must be: an exact match to, or
an acronym of, or
an abbreviation of, or
closely connected to,

one of the following:
a. the name of a company in which the Registrant has a 50% or greater shareholding or which the Registrant controls;
b. the trading name or trade mark of a company in which the Registrant has a 50% or greater shareholding or which the Registrant controls; or
c. the name of an organisation or association controlled by the Registrant.
3) .ORG.AE
3LDs with the Suffix “org.ae” are Domain Names for “Not for Profit Organisations” of the UAE , including the those published by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Youth & Community Development and General Authority for Youth & Sport Welfare:

sporting organisations;
charitable organisations;
religious organisations;
social organizations;
cultural organizations;
artistic organizations;
diplomatic organizations present in the UAE; and a UAE branch of an International Not for Profit Organization.

Applicants for “org.ae” Domain Name must ensure the Administrative Contact is an employee or officer of the requesting organisation and shall certify, through their acceptance of the Registrant Agreement, that they have delegated authority from the CEO, the organisations Board of Directors, Secretary, or the Chairman to Register a Domain Name on behalf of that organisation.
Applicants will provide a copy of their Certificate of Registration or a letter to this effect from the competent authorities of the UAE.
The Domain Name applied for must be:
an exact match to, or
an acronym of, or
an abbreviation of, or
closely connected to the name of the Registrant’s organisation, company name or trading name, organization or association name or trademark.
4) .SCH.AE / .AC.AE
3LDs with the Suffixes “sch.ae” and “ac.ae” are the Domain Names for schools and academic organisations within the UAE, including universities, public and private schools, colleges and educational institutions:
Applicants for the “sch.ae” and the “ac.ae” Domain Names must ensure the Administrative Contact is an employee of the requesting organisation and shall certify, through their acceptance of the Registrant Agreement, that they have delegated authority from the CEO, Chairman, or the Principal to Register a Domain Name on behalf of that organisation. Applicants for “sch.ae” must provide a copy of their Certificate of Registration of a School or a letter to this affect from the Ministry of Education of the UAE.

Applicants for “ac.ae” must be an academic institution or service provider licensed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the UAE. They must provide a copy of their Registration of an institution or a letter to this affect from Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.
The Domain Name applied for must be:
an exact match to, or
an acronym of, or
an abbreviation of, or
closely connected to the name of the Registrant’s school, academic organisation, company name or trading name, organisation or association name or trademark.
5) .GOV.AE
3LDs with the Suffix “gov.ae” is the Domain Name for Government Departments and Ministries of the UAE.

The Registrant must be a Government Entity in the UAE.
Domain Names with the Suffix “gov.ae” must only be used for the official business of the Registrant organisation.
Registrants must state the purpose of the website that will be associated with the specific Domain Name in respect of which a Domain Name Licence is sought, in the Application.

The Domain Name must be used specifically and exclusively for the stated purpose for the duration of the Domain Name Licence Period.
The Administrative Contact must be an employee of the Applicant and shall certify, through their execution of the Registrant Agreement on behalf of the Registrant, that they have delegated authority from the relevant Minister, or Officer to Register a Domain Name on behalf of the Registrant.
Applicants will provide a letter from the relevant Minister, or Officer authorising the registration of that Domain Name.
6) .MIL.AE
3LDs with the Suffix “mil.ae” are Domain Names for military authorities of the UAE.

The Registrant must be an organisation established by the UAE Laws, or decree as a government department or agency, a statutory authority, or other defined government body as a military organisation.
Domain Names with the Suffix “mil.ae” must only be used for the official business of the Registrant’s organisation.
Registrants must state the purpose of the Domain Name in their Application.

The Domain Name must be used specifically and exclusively for the stated purpose for the duration of the Domain Name Licence Period.
The Administrative Contact must be an employee of the Applicant and shall certify, through their execution of the Registrant Agreement on behalf of the Registrant that they have delegated authority from the relevant Minister or Officer to Register a Domain Name on behalf of that organisation.
Applicants will provide a letter from the relevant Minister, or Officer authorising the registration of that Domain Name

Save on Renewals

Now, to save yourselves from the expensive renewals. You can simply migrate the domain from one registrar to another with lower costs. The best thing about .AE domains is that the registrar can't control your domain name. It is directly managed from your registry account. You can request transfer code to be sent to the email your email id.

Can I transfer .AE domain without paying for renewal?
Absolutely Yes. The .AE registry(TDRA) allows the end user to have aboslute control over registrar switch. Domain holders can transfer their domain to a registrar of their choice without paying for renewal at the time of transfer..

Here is how to transfer your domain for free.
1. Go to https://password.ae
2. Enter the domain name that you wish to transfer & fill in the captcha.
3. On the next page you will be shown the details of your domain name and the registered email
4. Click on EMAIL button to send the password to your registered email id.

In a few minutes, you will receive an email with the transfer code. You can now share this with the gaining registrar for a transfer with or without paying renewal cost.
Note: Free transfer without renewal depends on the registrar. Should they accept it or not, it's their sole discretion.


Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions
What is a .AE domain?
A .AE domain is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is primarily used by businesses, organizations, and individuals who want to establish an online presence in the UAE.
2. Who can register a .AE domain?
Anyone can register a .AE domain. Unlike some country-specific domains, .AE domains are open for registration to both individuals and businesses worldwide, without requiring a local presence in the UAE.
3. Why should I choose a .AE domain over a .COM domain?
- A .AE domain signals local relevance, which can help improve search rankings in the UAE.

- It builds trust and credibility with UAE-based customers.

- Many desirable .AE domain names are still available, while .COM domains are often already taken.
4. Is a .AE domain only for businesses in the UAE?
No, international businesses can also register a .AE domain. Many global brands register .AE domains to protect their intellectual property and target the UAE market effectively.
Registration & Requirements
How do I register a .AE domain?
To register a .AE domain, follow these steps:

- Choose an accredited .AE domain registrar or reseller.

- Search for your desired domain name.

- Provide basic personal or business details.

- Complete the payment process.

- Your domain will be registered and ready for use.

You may contact us for a personalized experience for registering a .AE domain from India.
What documents are required to register a .AE domain?
For most .AE domain registrations, no special documents are required. However, for certain third-level domains like .co.ae and .net.ae, a valid UAE trade license is required.

Details are available in the separate section shared above already.
3. What is the difference between .AE, .co.ae, and .net.ae domains?
.AE – Available for anyone worldwide.

.co.ae – Reserved for businesses with a UAE trade license.

.net.ae – Reserved for internet service providers (ISPs) or telecom

Can I register a .AE domain if I’m not in the UAE?
Yes, you do not need a UAE address or business registration to own a .AE domain.
Pricing and Renewals
How much does a .AE domain cost?
With Futureroots, you can register, renew, transfer a .AE domain for just 3100 INR per year. We are an Indian company offering brand and IP protection via domain names to well known brands in India.
What is the max term available for registration?
You can register a .AE domain for a maximum term period of 5 years.
What happens if my .AE domain expires?
If you fail to renew your domain, it goes through:

Grace Period (about 28 days) – You can renew the domain at the regular price.

Pending Delete (2 days) – Domain goes through the purging process and zone files are removed.

Domain Release – The domain becomes available for public registration again on first come and first register basis.

Can I transfer my .AE domain to another registrar?
Absolutely Yes. The .AE registry(TDRA) allows the end user to have absolute control over registrar switch. Domain holders can transfer their domain to a registrar of their choice without paying for renewal at the time of transfer.

Here is how to transfer your domain for free.
1. Go to https://password.ae

2. Enter the domain name that you wish to transfer & fill in the captcha.

3. On the next page you will be shown the details of your domain name and the registered email

4. Click on EMAIL button to send the password to your registered email id.

Technical, Legal & Management
How do I manage my .AE domain after registration?
You can manage your .AE domain via your registrar’s control panel. This includes updating WHOIS information, Nameservers, DNS settings, and renewal preferences.
Are privacy protection services available for .AE domains?
Currently, WHOIS privacy protection is not available for .AE domains. However, the .AE registry is strict when it comes to publicly available registrant data. Only the registrar, registrant name and their email address is shown in the WHOIS results. Event the expiration dates are not shown.
Are there any content restrictions for .AE domains?
Yes, websites using .AE domains must comply with UAE laws, including content that adheres to local moral, religious, and legal guidelines.
Where can I find official policies on .AE domain registration?
You can visit the TDRA’s official website (https://www.tra.gov.ae) or check policies on accredited registrars’ websites.

Reading this will help you understand more about the significance of this ccTLD extension.

1. If you are a local business/individual in UAE.
2. If you are a foreign company with a local office or have business interests in UAE.
3. To protect your brand name from poaching and spend time and resources in claiming your trademark/brand names.
4. If you are looking to develop a local website that'll cater to the UAE region. It helps build confidence among local users.
5. Google also prefer to show local domains over generic or other country extensions i.e. BETTER SEO
6. Finally, if you can create a domain hack and shorten your domain.

The Good Review

I wanted to register a .ae domain and searching the whole internet at an affordable cost. But I couldn’t find the appropriate one. Finally I found this company from Quora, and I contacted Mr. Rohit, the director of the firm. He explained me about his company and the domain registration process perfectly and quoted me a best price with various kind of payment options as well. Within a few minutes he booked the domain for me and transferred it to me with no hassle. If you want a hassle free domain registration with best price, believe me this guy is the best. He will also guide you for the after steps of the process. I would recommend to everyone. Just go for it, He is professional and keeps the ethics! And I thank you Mr.Rohit for your finest service. Moreover you are a good human being too. I would definitely catchup with you in future needs also.
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  • Why Us?

    Domain Registration
    At FutureRoots, we offer more than 200+ ccTLD domains. No matter the location. If you want it, you can register them with us. Our offerings are not just limited to well known and easily available country domains. We offers the ones which are most difficult to register and are difficult to find.

    Portfolio Consolidation
    Since, we have the largest collection of ccTLD and gTLD domains. We make it easy for everyone to consolidate their portfolio at one place. Not only this is time saving, it is cost effective as well. Why login at multiple places when all can be done at one place? Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you to help you consolidate your portfolio.This just eliminates the chance of missing out on a domain renewal due to lost credentials or a missed out email. Along with that, the consolidation helps reduce the average renewal cost of domains per years. Just take for example: we are offering .AE domains at a flat 3333 INR/Yr (no renewal hikes).

    Corporate Services
    Securing a brand name is not easy. In this ever changing Internet, a brand must be ready to secure their tag lines, their country domains and all other names that represents their brand directly or indirectly. Our team can help in this, we provide the available list of domains with all the requriements at most competitive prices. Not only the available brand names, our team also provides details using which a company can protect it's brand name easily.

    And most Important of all. Experience We have tons of experience when it comes to ccTLD domains. Country Domains is our speciality.